Thursday, September 30, 2010

This Week!!

So this week has flown by! I can't believe it's Thursday already! I had a great time in Chicago over the weekend!! It was great to get home and get caught up on life! Many of you know that we have spent quite a few months trying to get our insurance straightened out since Isaac got out of the that we are in the Guard, we still have Tricare, just Tricare Standard, not Tricare Prime. We are blessed to pay only $180 per month to cover our whole family of 5. It's just been pure hell trying to find the proper people in the proper office to be able to fix our problems of getting enrolled. So, TODAY it is all fixed! Today marks the day where we do not have to worry about our healthcare coverage!! Whew, it feels like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders and i know my sweet hubby feels the same way!
We fed the missionaries last night. I always love having them but last night they were on splits, which means that we had one missionary from our ward (congregation), and one from a different local congregation. One of the Elders brought his guitar and just so happened to play "O Lord, My Redeemer". Isaac mentioned that i had done that song before at church and so he asked me to sing a verse with him and he harmonized with me! It was so so cool.
The first time i heard that song was when Brooklyn said "come over here and sing this"! She started playing and made me sight read it...which i'm not very good at! Then later I got to hear her sister, Monica, sing it for some meeting. It was beautiful. i don't know if Brooklyn knows or not, but i think i've probably sang that song at almost every ward i've been since then! The strangest part is that I wasn't even a member of the church when she made me sing it the first time!
Anyway, we had Jacob's physical on Tuesday this week and we have Erica's physical tomorrow!! Mikayla's is sometime next week! Jacob's doctor have him the opportunity to ask me to step out after helping with the background stuff. Jacob assured me that he was glad i wasn't in there for the part where the doc checked his boys....yes....i about died!!!
so that's it for me for the week....i am praying for nothing "out of the ordinary" to happen at Erica's physical....but I guess that's one thing i've learned while being a mom....NOTHING IS ORDINARY!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Maureen's 40

So today I am headed to Chicago for my best friend's birthday!! This is a surprise to her!! Her family has actually had this planned since May or so! So, here is to a quick, memorable weekend!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Crazy....I can't think of anything

Today, i feel like i should update something but really can't think of anything!! we went to Sam's club twice last week to stock up on stuff and not have to go for a while!
I've thoroughly enjoyed watching the first week of Oprah's last season of the The Oprah Winfrey Show. I really really really enjoyed it. I enjoyed my weekend in May with her so much and appreciate all that she does to better people and their thinking.
Will you watch "Waiting for Superman"? I'm intrigued now that Oprah has done this show today! The movie is a documentary on Schools/Education!!
I guess I see the desperation now that I live in a neighborhood where we are one of the only ones that are NOT on Section 8 living. These poor children don't have educated parents, don't really know how to speak, and don't know how to aspire for more. I hope they have a teacher somewhere that loves them and helps them strive for more in life!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dermatologist I took Jacob and Erica into see the Pediatric Dermatologiist!! They both have the childhood virus that causes warts. Erica has 3 on her hands and one large one on her knee and Jacob had 3 on his hands. So...they were very brave at first then decided that they wouldn't have all the warts frozen off! I mean I know it hurts, but i was shocked that the doctor didn't just take care of it for me! I was certain to reassure them that with me starting a new job and them already missing school today, that I wouldn't be making another appointment for warts!! So Erica had the one on her knee done and jacob only had 2 done! The warts should fall off by this weekend!
Also, while there they gave us some stuff for Jacob's complexion! He now has a Benzoil Peroxide wash and some Retin A. He has never been so eager to wash his face as tonight. I made sure to reassure him that it wouldn't work over nite...LOL!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Movie Theater Alone

So, right now I am without a job and now am without children during the day....since they are all in school now! So, I have visited the movie theater by myself twice now. It's quite nice actually. I don't have to worry about seeing "chick flicks" and wondering if Isaac is suffering too much!!
What's really neat is that I still laugh out loud at the funny my laugh is not "just for show"! I love to laugh! Enjoy a movie alone and don't worry about chomping on the popcorn....cuz you're by yourself!!! Try it, you might like it!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

NFL Bowling League

Isaac and I begin our NFL bowling league tonight!! We are excited, however, the first NFL official game is tonight and it's the Saints vs. Vikings!! My husband grew up in New Orleans and we are huge Saints fans. So for him to join this league with me and miss a little football is a really big deal and a true testament of his love for me! I really appreciate it.
I grew up on bowling leagues and even went to college on a several bowling scholarships!
I'm super blessed to have a mom who sent us $$ for bowling shoes so we don't have to rent them each week. AND at the end of this 12 week league we get to choose the NFL bowling ball of our choice! Of course Isaac will choose the Saints and I will probably choose the Cowboys (I'm a childhood fan)!!
So here's to our definite 12 weeks of having a weekly date night!! So exciting!!

Middle School Band

Who knew Jacob joining band would be a thorn in my side and 2 weeks of school hasn't even passed yet?! So i have ordered all the supplies, but being new to the area, i ordered online to get the "Best Deals", and now the band instructor told the kids that they couldn't be in band if they didn't have everything by Friday!! Well, that is not a guarantee for us due to the mailing system!! And after spending over $110, I am upset. I have lost sleep. Tonight, or this morning at 3:45 I sent the band director and principal of the school an email asking that i be reimbursed if my son is kicked out of band!! I don't want Jacob to "be the exception" but honestly we had to wait for my Unemployment $$ to come in so that I could order all the crap he needed!!!! Gggrrrrrr.....
The first time my son is interested in anything musical and this band director may ruin it for him!! I'm just a little upset!!
Otherwise, I love the school he attends...LOL!!
I really should be sleeping!!! I think Isaac's alarm will go off in an hour or so!! Oops!