Monday, November 4, 2013

My son keeps me humble

You may be wondering how in the world a 15 year old teenager could humble his mother, right?!

Let me start by saying that Isaac and I have always loved the 1.5-2 hours we get each evening when the kids are in bed and we are left in the house, and it's so still and quiet.  It is OUR time!  He usually rubs my feet, we talk about our days, watch a tv show that was DVR'd, catch some of a football game, sneak out for ice cream, or any number of things!
Recently, we had said our goodnights with the girls and gotten our night night kisses.  Jacob said goodnight and love you's as well!  About 10 minutes later, I heard something in the office area, someone was typing!  So instead of walking around the corner, I yelled, "who is still up?".  All I remember is hearing Jacob's voice, not even what he was going to say.  I started in on my ranting.... reminding him that he has to be up at 4:55 in the morning and that he needs his sleep, and he better not get sick from not being well rested, and that he still needs to wash his face and brush his teeth....  After about a full minute of my fit... he comes around the corner and proceeds to tell his dad and I how much he loves the story in the book of Luke of the prodigal son.  He was typing it up on his Facebook status and was excited to share it with his Seminary class the next morning.  I guess something had happened in seminary that morning where their teacher challenged them to read of the prodigal son and would allow 5-10 minutes for sharing the next day.  That's pretty cool of her, especially since this year they are in the Book of Mormon for studying.  
Anyway, after my ranting and raving, then him telling us how much he loved reading this passage in Luke, I did apologize to him and he headed up to bed.  He has his moments where I am humbled by who he is!  Love that boy!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Worst Mom Award!

I forgot to take pictures of my children on actual Halloween night!  What is wrong with me??  I cannot believe it really!  Jacob got home late from school, due to drama practice.  So we were running out the door, got about a mile or two away from our house and I realized I didn't have my phone OR my camera!  Isaac had his phone and we did talk about him taking a picture or two, but then we both forgot!  I did get a few pics of them during Trunk or Treat and Isaac got some of Mikayla at school, since he went to her school Halloween parade and class party. was a first and NOT one I am happy about.  :(