Friday, November 28, 2014

My work bag

My work bag seems to stay full and heavy!  I seem to try to "lighten" it at least once a week, but it is still heavy and full of stuff!  The bag that I currently carry is by Thirty One.  It has 7 outside pockets.  So what is in this bag?
~my daily food
~my water cup
~papers i need to fill out for kids for school, i usually have time for this at work
~spare fruit
~Scentsy catalog
~daily vitamins
~extra gum
~currently I have catalogs that the kids "dog eared" Christmas ideas in
~chapstick (this is a staple in every bag and coat pocket for me)

What do you keep in your work bag?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A few things we think about ourselves...

I started thinking and wondering what my kids think about themselves after my recent post about lists.  So a week or so ago, during dinner, and some family time, I asked everyone to tell me 3 things about if they were talking to someone that they didn't know!  The results are as follows....I think I started with Isaac because the kids were little hesitant!
~I'm a capricorn
~I have a huge drive to get things done
~Heavenly Father, my wife, and my kids mean the most to me

Oldest Child
~I like to sleep, especially in a car
~I'm creative
~I like to drink soda

Middle Child
~I'm very happy
~I'm hard working
~I'm musical

Youngest Child
~I like to ask questions
~I have one pet that is officially mine (Tubby, the guinea pig)
~I want to get my ears re-pierced

~I have a strong personality
~I laugh really loud
~I enjoy reading romance novels

So there's a little about us that may not have known previously!

Monday, November 3, 2014


I am hoping that by posting this list of possible items to journal/list on my blog that I will post more frequently.  Have you ever seen the 30 Days of Lists?  Below is a free set!
I have been faithfully logging in but only to see if my sister (in-law) has posted about her family and their very ill baby. 
I need to be better about posting about ME and MY beautiful family.  If I've learned nothing else from Aria, it is to not take one single thing for granted.  Nothing is guaranteed, so I need to work harder to ensure even the smallest things don't go unnoticed or unsaid.  And when I've blogged or at least FB'd something, then I am more likely to remember and share.  One thing that we've noticed about our youngest is that she says that Isaac and I have more stories about Jacob and Erica than we do about i have to be more diligent in spreading the wealth!  LOL

30 Days of Lists - complete collection

  1. A few things about yourself
  2. Things you are good at
  3. I am looking forward to ...
  4. Today's playlist
  5. Weekend Goals
  6. Least favorite words
  7. Blog goals
  8. In my bag
  9. Favorite websites and blogs
  10. On my wishlist
  11. Date night ideas
  12. Weekly rituals
  13. DIYs I want to try
  14. Things I love about _______
  15. On my shopping list
  16. Places to see in your town
  17. Words that are hard to spell
  18. Road trip must-haves
  19. Recipes I want to try
  20. Celebrity crushes
  21. Things to do this Spring
  22. Today I saw
  23. Guilty pleasures
  24. I make lists for
  25. Things I'd rather be doing right now
  26. Books I'd like to read this year
  27. Lessons learned
  28. Vacations to take
  29. Favorite foods
  30. Today's to-do list

Monday, March 31, 2014

Just an update...

Today I'm a proud wife!  My wonderful husband not only keeps up with all of us and supports us no matter the circumstance, but recently he's been a busy bee lengthening his resume.  He recently finished taking the Network+ boot camp then passed the certification exam, then did the same with Security+.  He has attended the A+ & CEH (certified ethical hacker) boot camps and still needs to take those exams.  Last week he attended the PMP (project management professional) boot camp and just received the email that he's approved to take the he'll be studying up for that as well.  Also, in case he hasn't been busy enough, last week he began his Master's degree...he'll be getting 2 master's degrees...MBA and MIS.  Those should keep him busy.
Anyway, I still try to workout as much as possible.  I don't really lose weight but I know I'm pretty fit since I've been hiking (should have it's own blog post) and bike riding and stuff with minimal difficulty. 
Erica and Mikayla are both in The Little Mermaid that the middle school is putting on this year and Mikayla starts back up soccer again tomorrow.  Erica is also auditioning for the solo in her DC Children's choir spring concert tonight after the regular choir practice.
Jacob is doing so well.  I can hardly wait to get the report card and reward him.  Although yesterday at church, he gave me a bit of a scare.  We got there early (around 12:30 for 1:00 church) because i needed to make copies of the YW girls camp fundraiser that we were putting in all of the bulletins.  So, the girls and i were in the library, Jacob went straight in to set up the sacrament table, isaac found us a seat and he started going over his lesson for the deacons.  Then someone approached Jacob to ask him if he had his talk ready.  Well, that answer to that was a shocking no!  Oh dear.  Once word traveled to me in the library, i quickly finished up with the bulletins, and went to see if i could help.  Walked in the chapel to see Isaac still sitting calmly.  WHAT???  Isaac very calmly told me that we were not helping Jacob with this one.  Jacob was in a classroom somewhere getting his talk together.  He was to speak on the Godhead.  He was the first speaker and actually did a really good job.  He didn't have his script written, but talked smoothly as if he were reading something.  It was in that moment that I realized that even though we've missed some FHE's and nightly scripture study, we are still doing the best we can to bring our children up to know that their Heavenly Father loves them and that the things that we do and say are only to help us be better people and be together eternally.

Another blog post i will have to write will be when I find out if my children will need to be in school until July due to all the snow we got this year!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snow Snow Go Away

The kids are officially out of snow days from school!  Actually they were out 3 less snow days from today!  Luckily today was only a delayed start.  Last Thursday, we got about 18 inches of snow!  The kids loved first.  It is very pretty and fun to take a the beginning!  Now...I'm so OVER SNOW!!!  We are still supposed to get 2-3 more inches tomorrow night as well.  YUCK! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saints vs Seahawks

Today we are having some friends over that are from Seattle!  This will be a fun time to be together and watch our 2 football teams in the NFL playoffs.  I'm sure Isaac will be a nervous wreck!  Erica and Isaac both have on their Saints jerseys so I probably need to find mine and put it on!  
We don't have people over a lot, so everyone gets excited when we do.  I tend to stress about the house, the dog smell, the dog hair, etc...  However, we do work hard to ensure people are comfortable when they come over and we always end up having a great time.
Isaac isn't sure if the Saints will win or not, but I'm hoping for a good, close game!!