Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stupid Weight

Well, I have started working out harder again and am even in a contest at my gym!!! Wow...i guess this will be a long road....it is one that is really hard to stay on. it seems so easy for some people and harder for others...im one of the "others"!!
Anyway, I will keep trudging along!!
Hope everyone else is doing okay...let me know what you do to workout and to stay motivated and maybe even what your favorite snack is....

1 comment:

  1. That is so frustrating! I think it's great you joined a contest at your gym - I'm sure that competitive side of you will come out and conquer!

    I know you guys like going to the gym, but for me, I just like working out at home, since I feel like I'm never AT home. I get up in the mornings before work and do my ChaLEAN Extreme videos. They have been great videos for me because they are a strength training program that also includes challenging cardio. I've been doing the program for about 2 months and I've lost 10 lbs. Next week, I'll start a new set of videos in the program. The videos are totally doable and most of them are only about 35 minutes.

    It's hard to stay motivated but I just try and remember how good I feel after I work out. And, I'm the kind of person who NEEDS the workout to regulate my thoughts, emotions and just everything! Also, I think watching the Biggest Loser helps me.

    As far as snacks are concerned, I get those little all natural fruit cups with no sugar in them or cups of applesauce and bring them to work. Sometimes, I'll eat a Clif bar. Every morning I eat a small thing of Greek yogurt and mix in Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal and that makes a pretty good breakfast. We've been making our meals from that cookbook I blogged about awhile back http://edarthwaite.blogspot.com/2010/11/yum.html and that's helped too I think. Anyhow, good luck! I know you can do it!
