So, for those of you that know me, you know I don't really ask for help very often. However, with Isaac out of town this weekend, I had to ask for help. So many people actually helped. I guess it goes to show that if you actually ask, people are willing! But yesterday, my 3 children were supposed to be in 3 different places all at the same time. Erica and Mikayla both had basketball pictures at 2 different schools, then basketball games at 2 different schools from even pictures!! Jacob had a Scouting Event where they helped run a food drive for an elderly community. Erica also had a birthday party to was a really good friend or we may have skipped that one. There really was no way I could've made all that happen without help. So after I took the 3 of them for their bowling leagues, I took Erica to her place and asked her coach for help. Then I stopped at Mikayla's place and asked a fellow teammate's parent for help. Then on our way for Jacob to find his Scout shirt, we called and arranged for a ride to his event, and the ride even offered arrangements for Jacob to get home! So I left home after dropping Jacob and went to Mikayla's basketball game, then after that one, headed over for Erica's game, but I had missed it, and her sweet coach waited for me to arrive. Got home in time to gather my stuff for "It's Great to be 8" that I was in charge of at church. I'm so glad I thought enough in advance to remember to plan out the program and make all the copies and the gift bags in advance....cuz there certainly wouldn't have been enough time during the day to make that all happen!
All in all, I'm so grateful that I was surrounded by people who were willing to help me. What a blessing it was to see the kindness of others shine through!
I have a hard time asking for help too. A few months ago I found myself in a similar situation, having to be at three places at once with the boys and Kevin away at training. I finally spoke up and asked a few ladies from church for help and was overwhelmed at their response. They were so happy to help, telling me how much they love my boys. Ugh, seriously makes me cry thinking about it. So glad you had a wonderful experience.