Today is the last day of school for the 3 munchkins. That means our year of having a 7th grader, 4th grader, and 1st grader has come to a close. All in all, it's been a pretty good year. Jacob always keeps us on our toes and we routinely have to check his grades online. For some reason, even though he probably only turned in half of the homework assignments he should've, he still managed to stay on the honor roll all year! I guess it's a good thing he makes nearly a 100% on all his tests!
Erica has shown vast improvements this year. School doesn't come as easy for her as it does for Jacob, so she has to work really hard for her grades. But I remember when I was teaching, that students like Erica were always well liked by teachers! Hard workers are the best!! Her biggest struggle is spelling...which she gets from her dad! She made the biggest improvements in math.
Mikayla is a lot like Jacob when it comes to school. She does work hard and is hard on herself when she makes mistakes. But she's very haphazard when it comes to homework. And she will not be one of the girls with the cutesy handwriting. Mikayla loves compliments on her clothing and loves to wear cutesy outfits.
They are all 3 registered for Summer Camp at Fort Meade. We will be able to drop them off at camp, then work our 8 hours, then pick them up and head home! It's a pretty sweet deal, even if I lose my quiet commute to and from work! It will also keep them busy and active this summer. Jacob is the least excited about it, but the one that needs it the most. He's getting much better about socializing and making friends so this will be a good experience for him, even though he usually talks the ears off of the counselors!
I'm so glad they're all enrolled in summer camp this year and I hope they all have good experiences! I wish we could see you all this summer some time! Miss you!