Monday, March 31, 2014

Just an update...

Today I'm a proud wife!  My wonderful husband not only keeps up with all of us and supports us no matter the circumstance, but recently he's been a busy bee lengthening his resume.  He recently finished taking the Network+ boot camp then passed the certification exam, then did the same with Security+.  He has attended the A+ & CEH (certified ethical hacker) boot camps and still needs to take those exams.  Last week he attended the PMP (project management professional) boot camp and just received the email that he's approved to take the he'll be studying up for that as well.  Also, in case he hasn't been busy enough, last week he began his Master's degree...he'll be getting 2 master's degrees...MBA and MIS.  Those should keep him busy.
Anyway, I still try to workout as much as possible.  I don't really lose weight but I know I'm pretty fit since I've been hiking (should have it's own blog post) and bike riding and stuff with minimal difficulty. 
Erica and Mikayla are both in The Little Mermaid that the middle school is putting on this year and Mikayla starts back up soccer again tomorrow.  Erica is also auditioning for the solo in her DC Children's choir spring concert tonight after the regular choir practice.
Jacob is doing so well.  I can hardly wait to get the report card and reward him.  Although yesterday at church, he gave me a bit of a scare.  We got there early (around 12:30 for 1:00 church) because i needed to make copies of the YW girls camp fundraiser that we were putting in all of the bulletins.  So, the girls and i were in the library, Jacob went straight in to set up the sacrament table, isaac found us a seat and he started going over his lesson for the deacons.  Then someone approached Jacob to ask him if he had his talk ready.  Well, that answer to that was a shocking no!  Oh dear.  Once word traveled to me in the library, i quickly finished up with the bulletins, and went to see if i could help.  Walked in the chapel to see Isaac still sitting calmly.  WHAT???  Isaac very calmly told me that we were not helping Jacob with this one.  Jacob was in a classroom somewhere getting his talk together.  He was to speak on the Godhead.  He was the first speaker and actually did a really good job.  He didn't have his script written, but talked smoothly as if he were reading something.  It was in that moment that I realized that even though we've missed some FHE's and nightly scripture study, we are still doing the best we can to bring our children up to know that their Heavenly Father loves them and that the things that we do and say are only to help us be better people and be together eternally.

Another blog post i will have to write will be when I find out if my children will need to be in school until July due to all the snow we got this year!