Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Family Makes Me Smile...

I was reading quotes from many different sites today and ran across this....

The family.
We are a strange band of characters
trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste
coveting one another’s desserts
hiding shampoo, borrowing money
locking each other out of our rooms,
inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant
laughing, loving, defending
and trying to figure out the common thread
that bound us all together!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Completely Overwhelmed!!

Today, when the alarm went off at 4:40, I slowly rolled over and pressed snooze.  10 minutes later, that crazy thing went off again and I managed to get up out of bed!  It's normally not that bad....however, as Isaac started asking me what was wrong I quickly realized how overwhelmed I am feeling right now.
Here are a few of the things that are causing me stress:
  • the house is not picked up or clean
  • the laundry is not done--it's barely even started
  • there has been NO Christmas shopping to speak of
  • there are no packing lists made for our trip to Arkansas - leaving Saturday
  • the dog needs a bath BEFORE the road trip
  • no arrangements are made for the guinea pig yet while we are away
  • did i mention no shopping has been done?
  • the Christmas cards were ordered and picked up, but nothing has been done with them since
So there you have it!  A little stress for my holiday season!!

Love to all!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

My son keeps me humble

You may be wondering how in the world a 15 year old teenager could humble his mother, right?!

Let me start by saying that Isaac and I have always loved the 1.5-2 hours we get each evening when the kids are in bed and we are left in the house, and it's so still and quiet.  It is OUR time!  He usually rubs my feet, we talk about our days, watch a tv show that was DVR'd, catch some of a football game, sneak out for ice cream, or any number of things!
Recently, we had said our goodnights with the girls and gotten our night night kisses.  Jacob said goodnight and love you's as well!  About 10 minutes later, I heard something in the office area, someone was typing!  So instead of walking around the corner, I yelled, "who is still up?".  All I remember is hearing Jacob's voice, not even what he was going to say.  I started in on my ranting.... reminding him that he has to be up at 4:55 in the morning and that he needs his sleep, and he better not get sick from not being well rested, and that he still needs to wash his face and brush his teeth....  After about a full minute of my fit... he comes around the corner and proceeds to tell his dad and I how much he loves the story in the book of Luke of the prodigal son.  He was typing it up on his Facebook status and was excited to share it with his Seminary class the next morning.  I guess something had happened in seminary that morning where their teacher challenged them to read of the prodigal son and would allow 5-10 minutes for sharing the next day.  That's pretty cool of her, especially since this year they are in the Book of Mormon for studying.  
Anyway, after my ranting and raving, then him telling us how much he loved reading this passage in Luke, I did apologize to him and he headed up to bed.  He has his moments where I am humbled by who he is!  Love that boy!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Worst Mom Award!

I forgot to take pictures of my children on actual Halloween night!  What is wrong with me??  I cannot believe it really!  Jacob got home late from school, due to drama practice.  So we were running out the door, got about a mile or two away from our house and I realized I didn't have my phone OR my camera!  Isaac had his phone and we did talk about him taking a picture or two, but then we both forgot!  I did get a few pics of them during Trunk or Treat and Isaac got some of Mikayla at school, since he went to her school Halloween parade and class party.  Anyway...it was a first and NOT one I am happy about.  :(

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween...a day to remember

I've always like Halloween, never really had any reason to dislike it!  I think it has to do with how much I love to just watch people....and on a day when a lot of people are dressed up in costumes, it's just a fun day for me!
I love looking back at old pictures to see what my kids dressed up as when they were younger.  But today I'm especially reminiscent because one year today, I found out that a rare bacteria infection that had set up shop in my abdomen was officially gone.  
In June, 2012 I went in for what was deemed as a simple surgery, and what wound up happening was a 2.5 inch open hole was left on my stomach and was given oral antibiotics.  My blood work showed that after 10 days of the antibiotics and evidence of high fevers, I was sent to an infectious disease doctor.  She explained to me that my rare bacteria had a name, Burkholderia Cepacia.  It's a pretty bad bacteria that is really hard for humans to get rid of, since it is mainly found on plants.  It really liked me and began to colonize instead of die.  So I had a mid-line IV for some IV antibiotics, along with which I was assigned a home health nurse.  Mid Lines are for short term use.  So my doctor had them remove it after my second surgery which was in August.  About 3 weeks later, I found myself in the ER with a high fever and really bad abdominal pains.  One of the colonies had hidden and the bacteria was back in full force.  This got me a real quick admittance into the hospital.  While I was there, I got my PICC line.  The IV that threads to just outside your heart and is used for long term use.  Luckily I got my same home health nurse, and now i was on the "last resort" antibiotic.  After 7 weeks of this treatment and one more surgery, my blood levels finally proved that the infection was gone!  Whew!  
So Happy Halloween and here's to a another year of healthy living!!  : )

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Yesterday, Isaac, Mikayla, and I found ourselves at home.  Erica was at a DC Children's Choir retreat and Jacob was helping with one of his buddies' Eagle Scout project.  So after Mikayla's soccer game, we were all 3 here at home with no particular plans.  We decided to go on a bike ride.  We went down to the Needwood Park trail a short distance from our house.  Mikayla used Erica's bike since that one has gears.  We had a good time.  We rode for close to 9 miles.  That's pretty good, I think.  Mikayla was trooper and worked the gears pretty well with it being her first time to use them.
Today I woke up with a "great idea"!  With it being General Conference weekend, church was not going to start until later than usual (east coast living).  I thought it would be nice for Isaac and I to go on a bike ride again.  We went back to Needwood Park, this time with camelpaks on and runkeeper keeping our distance.  We rode for 13.6 miles today.  It was quite difficult actually.  I was thinking it would be pretty easy since i didn't feel too sore from the ride yesterday.  So we pressed start on our program and then i hopped up on the bike and as soon as my butt hit the seat.....OH....MY.....GOODNESS!!!  I mean, OOUUUCCCHHHH!!!  LOL
Today, Isaac let me lead the way.  It was awesome.  We rode 7 miles down the trail, turned around, and rode 7 miles back.  We aren't sure why our program didn't say 14 miles total, but it's fine.  Success.  I only wanted to quit once, but when you're out in the center of a trail, you have to keep going to get back to your car!  
All in all, a great weekend, and a couple sore bottoms! : )

Thursday, October 3, 2013

October 1st, 2013

I was hoping for a normal first day of the month, but it was far from the norm.  How shocking to realize that "they" actually went through with it!  This day was the beginning of the government shut down...or furlough if you're in mine and Isaac's line of work.  Being contractors for the government is a high risk job.  We knew that going into it, however, this really stinks.  Actually, it isn't as bad as it could be.  Isaac is not getting to work right now.  However, I am.  His building is completely closed for non-emergency personnel.  He falls into that category.  My contract or funds for my contract had been already been paid, so that is why i can continue working for the time being.  It could be short lived, but for now, we are grateful that I am able to log some hours at work.  I have faith that our family will be fine and we will pull through.  I just hate that this happens so close to the holiday season.  I pray the government leaders can come to some sort of resolution quickly.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tooth of Steel

June 5, 2013 -- This day was a normal day.  Isaac and I got ready and left for work.  The kids got ready and left for school.  The workday was progressing nicely and the only thing we had after work/school was piano & guitar lessons for the kiddos.
Around 12:15 or so my work phone rang and it was Isaac telling me to log out and he was on his way to get me.  I asked why since we didn't have our 8 hours in yet.  He quickly said the school (Mill Creek Towne Elementary) had just called him and said that Mikayla was being taken to the hospital by ambulance and we should meet her there.  I hung up with him and called the school myself.  As soon as I heard a voice on the other end, I quickly announced who I was and before I knew it there was a different voice on the phone who introduced himself as the paramedic.  He was very nice and calm.  He explained that 2 children were going, one with a head injury and one with a mouth injury and that my daughter was the mouth injury.  He must've known that I was about to say there was no reason to go to the hospital, when he said "the hospital has great plastic surgeons that work well with children"....or something to affect.  I can only truly recall hearing "plastic surgeon" and before I knew it, I was crying and thanked him and quickly got off the phone (after ensuring he take her to the hospital of my choice--you know, the one that accepts our insurance).
Isaac is a great driver.  I let him drive us there and I never once complained about squealing tires or quick turns, because I was sidetracked with making arrangements for Erica and Jacob after school.  Since i didn't know what happened, I had to ensure they were taken care of after school....but possibly through the night.  I quickly called a sister I visit teach who helped me calm down by letting me know that someone will ride with Mikayla in the ambulance and she is not alone.  I hung up with her and called my own visiting teacher (who thankfully has a son in Mikayla's class), so I told her that Bryce would have a great story when she picked him up from school.  As I was explaining, she was telling me that she would just pick up Erica and go to my house and pick up Jacob and take them both to her house.  So that was taken care of and we were pulling into the hospital.
So Isaac dropped me off (did I mention I was only 2.5 weeks out from having knee surgery at the same hospital) to quickly go in (notice I didn't say "run" in)!  I didn't even have to stop walking.  As I was walking in, I was announcing my name and that my daughter was brought by ambulance, so they pointed me to a door that they automatically opened for me where I was greeted by a desk of nurses.  I was walking toward them announcing who i was and that my daughter was brought in and a nice nurse said "oh room 6" so I never stopped.  I think she was attempting to show me to the room, but there was no need, I was already in the room by the time she stood up.  
I was so happy to see Mikayla's classroom teacher, Mrs. Glossup, whom she adores!  Mikayla was laying with a huge gauze over the left side of her face.  The nurse explained to me that she was not allowed to talk.  So there she lay staring at me with her wide blue eyes and didn't say a word.  I bent down to kiss her on the forehead and then the doctor asked to speak to me in the hall.  Perfect timing on Isaac's part, who rounded the corner just as the doctor started.  The doctor was a pediatric surgeon who was waiting on us to arrive so she could begin the stitching up of the lip.  She explained that everyone would need to stay seated while she numbed and stitched the lip.  She said it could take her up to an hour to complete.  She said we would need to leave the hospital when she finished and take Mikayla to the dentist to have her teeth checked and she recommended the plastic surgeon that we needed to see.  
Then we went in and she pulled back the gauze and i was the one sitting on the bed beside Mikayla.  As the doctor pulled the gauze back, Mikayla was watching my face.  This is where my high school days of being in drama came in handy.  I sat there and just kept talking to her and smiling and telling her it was going to be fine.....all the while my heart was racing and my hands started shaking.  There's something about seeing a section of your 8 year old's top lip hanging below her bottom lip that suddenly had me scared.  No wonder the doctor said we had to stay seated.  But my face never would've shown to Mikayla how my heart was feeling.
The lidocaine hurts and burns so much.  I knew it was hurting her.  My heart was breaking for her, but i just kept my voice as calm as possible and she remained very still as tears streaked down toward her ears.  The doctor was right, it took her about 52 minutes to complete the stitches.  She made one complete top lip again.  It was swollen, but we left there and headed for the dentist.
So I started this post several weeks ago....the plastic surgeon re stitched the lip a week later and then a week later, removed them! We keep sunscreen on the scar and go back in a few months to see him so he can check the healing!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Sum Sum Summer Time!!

School's out for Summer!!  

It seems as though the school year has flown by!  Jacob finished 8th grade and will be in high school next year (or in 10 short weeks).  Erica will now be in middle school and Mikayla will have her first taste of being the only Ralston in her school!  WOW! They are all so big and so grown up!
Last week, we got to attend "graduation ceremonies" for both Jacob and Erica.  I hope those don't take away from the excitement of their actual high school graduation.  Isaac and I agree that we enjoyed Erica's a little more than Jacob's.  Erica's ceremony was only 45 minutes long.  While Jacob's was 3 hours long, it still had great speakers....and yes, I cried!  

Also, this summer celebrates my 20 year high school reunion.  At first, I really wanted to attend.  However, with my recent knee surgery (today marks 4 weeks out), I opted not to go.  It also helps make more time for us to go to Chicago in a couple weeks!  I'm so so so excited to see Maureen and family.  Once a year is not enough, but while our kids are young, it's the best we can do!

I've been reading up on some other blogs recently and actually used something I read yesterday on Erica's hair for church!  I'm usually quite envious of one of my sister-in-law's and the precious things she does with my nieces' hair.  However, yesterday, Erica's hair looked darling!  Did I get a picture?  Not a one! LOL

I have a full long story on Mikayla and stitches and plastic surgeons, but it deserves its own post! :)

Love to all!!

Monday, April 29, 2013

SGMS performs Peter Pan

We had a fabulous time watching our 3 children in the SGMS production of Peter Pan.  Jacob was Captain Hook, Erica was an Indian/dancer, and Mikayla was a Lost Child.  They were all 3 wonderful.  Here is a picture with Jacob and Elizabeth (Peter Pan).  Can you tell they had fun?

Hard to believe he's so much taller than I am!!   

Monday, April 15, 2013

Some Time with Jacob

Yesterday, I woke up with a crazy swollen knee that kept popping with every step (yes, my doctor knows all about this).  Anyway, Isaac took the kids to church, but then he and Erica were leaving early to go to her softball tournament, so Isaac found a ride home for Mikayla and Jacob so they could stay the whole time.
Jacob and I have been trying to find time when Isaac would not have to make himself scarce, so we could enjoy watching Lincoln (2012 movie) together.  Yesterday was the perfect day!  Mikayla was playing with the next door neighbor, so Jacob and I hibernated in front of the television to watch this fabulous movie.  It really was amazing and deserved each and every award it won.
I enjoyed watching it with him also.  We paused every now and then so he could tell me what he thought was about to happen (usually he was correct).  He's such a history kind of young man.  People are either bored to death with history or they love it.  I am the first and Jacob is the second.  However, even though I'm not much on history, I LOVED this movie! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I could never find the words....

I've been asked before what I wish for my kids...I finally found someone who could put words to my exact thoughts....
I expect them to contribute to the world they've been brought into. It is my hope that they will give more than they take. 
I expect that they will become educated adults. It is my hope that they will use the education that they have been given to serve and educate others. 
I expect them to love well. I hope that they might each experience what it's like to have someone fall in love with them, and marry, if they choose. 
But above all, my hope and prayer is that they choose to live crazy strong lives in the Gospel, love each other to death, and include Isaac and I in their plans more often than not.

Monday, April 8, 2013

An "Erica Funny"

An "Erica Funny"

Erica said something really funny a week or so ago and I almost forgot to blog about it!! This was one of those moments that we DO NOT want to forget because we were laughing for a while about this one!

Erica recently had a Softball Slumber Party. Yes, we invited all 15 girls to our house! YIKES! It was actually a lot of fun. Prior to the party, we created some really cute invitations. Of course we had a section for RSVP'ing. One night leading up to the party, we were all 5 at the dinner table, and Erica asks how many people were coming to the party. So Isaac followed that by asking me how many people had RSVP'ed. I wasn't sure but Erica chimes in with "What does RSVP mean?". So we explained it to her while saying that RSVP'ing is always a good thing to do.
I guess the four letter abbreviation sparked Isaac's thoughts and then he said "you always want to RSVP, but never to a BYOB party". Mikayla quickly wants to know what BYOB means. Jacob says "Bring Your Own Beer". So I tried to explain that sometimes people try to make it mean "Bring Your Own Bananas" for an Ice Cream sundae party.
We all went back to eating, then suddenly Erica says "So I guess we could've put BYO....PNS on the invitations. Isaac and Jacob froze immediately. Just read that aloud real fast and see what it sounds like. "Bring your own penis?" No, surely not!
I quickly asked "What did you say?" She said, "BYOPNS, you know, Bring Your Own Pillow N Sleepingbag".
To which we all died laughing!!!!

An "Erica Funny"

Erica said something really funny a week or so ago and I almost forgot to blog about it!!  This was one of those moments that we DO NOT want to forget because we were laughing for a while about this one!

Erica recently had a Softball Slumber Party.  Yes, we invited all 15 girls to our house! YIKES!  It was actually a lot of fun.  Prior to the party, we created some really cute invitations.  Of course we had a section for RSVP'ing.  One night leading up to the party, we were all 5 at the dinner table, and Erica asks how many people were coming to the party.  So Isaac followed that by asking me how many people had RSVP'ed.  I wasn't sure but Erica chimes in with "What does RSVP mean?".  So we explained it to her while saying that RSVP'ing is always a good thing to do.  
I guess the four letter abbreviation sparked Isaac's thoughts and then he said "you always want to RSVP, but never to a BYOB party".  Mikayla quickly wants to know what BYOB means.  Jacob says "Bring Your Own Beer".  So I tried to explain that sometimes people try to make it mean "Bring Your Own Bananas" for an Ice Cream sundae party.  
We all went back to eating, then suddenly Erica says "So I guess we could've put BYO....PNS on the invitations.  Isaac and Jacob froze immediately.  Just read that aloud real fast and see what it sounds like.  "Bring your own penis?"  No, surely not!  
I quickly asked "What did you say?"  She said, "BYOPNS, you know, Bring Your Own Pillow N Sleepingbag".
To which we all died laughing!!!!    

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mikayla is Quotable!!

Isaac shared this story with me and it's just too darn cute not to share!!!  Last night, Mikayla and Isaac were on their way to her basketball practice and they were driving on a new road in our area.
Brief history on the new road.... The new road is called the Inter-County Connector, (the ICC).  It is a toll road and you must have an EZ Pass to drive on it as there are no toll booths.  If you were hoping to pay with cash or forgot your pass, you are hit with some large fees.
Back to sweet story of my baby....
Mikayla asked her dad what happens if you get in a wreck on the ICC.  He said the same thing that would happen if you get in a wreck anywhere.  She said she was confused why all the signs said you couldn't get in an accident on the ICC.  Isaac told her he hadn't seen any signs that said that.  She in turn told him that every single sign she saw said that, then as they were passing one she said "See, right there, No Crash".

The ICC signs that are posted all along the road say "No Cash".

Just a moment that Isaac shared with me!  He chalked it up as a precious moment as well!    

Monday, January 14, 2013

Catching Up...

I really really really need to do better about updating this blog.  I follow several blogs that are updated daily, some twice a week, some once a week, but not very many that only update once every couple months!  I'm that person and no wonder i don't get many responses....I never post! LOL

It is one week after my anniversary and Isaac and I couldn't be better!  We each have new callings.  Well, mine I've had a few a couple months.  I'm the activity coordinator for RS.  Isaac is now in Young Men's.  He's the counselor over the Deacons quorum.  I think he's going to be fabulous in this calling.  Plus, he's serving with a good friend of ours. 

Jacob finds out tomorrow whether or not he made it to "call backs" for the musical tryouts last week.  He tried out for Captain Hook in Peter Pan.  If he gets this part, I promise to work more with him on matching pitch.  I know now that he is not completely tone deaf.  How did I figure this out?  He can hear music and go pick out the melody and sometime harmony on the piano!  Tone deaf people cannot do that!

Erica has become the little party planner for her best friend's birthday party.  Shiwei is no longer considered a guest in our home.  As a matter of fact, this weekend I explained that if she came over she too would have to help clean!  And she did!  She is not a member of our church, but she has been so frequently with us that many of the girls invited to the party are from church (plus a few from school).  I'm so glad Erica and Shiwei are friends.  I had a friend like this when I was young (Kim).  We were permanent fixtures in each other's homes and wound up going to church together too.  Recently, she and I have connected again via Facebook and even exchanged Christmas cards.

Speaking of being younger.... My 20 year high school reunion is this SUMMER!!  YIKES!  Has it really been 20 years since I was in High School?  I look back over the past 20 years and I think of all the roads that I could've gone down and am so happy that this is the one I chose. 

Happy Monday everyone!  Love to all!  And I didn't mention any Mikayla stories on this post....but honestly, with all she says, she just might deserve her very own post! : )