Monday, June 25, 2012

Is Summer time for School work?

It's that time of year!  The teacher in me struggles each summer with whether or not to implement a "school work" section into our summer break.  Every single part of me and my training knows that my children need this.  Every single part of me knows that my oldest will read no matter what.  Every single part of me knows that my middle NEEDS me to implement a schedule for her.  And every single part of me knows that my youngest will be a little rebel about this.  So, I think I will try to be creative.... If I work on cooking with Erica, that will help implement both reading and math.  If we go to the library, everyone will be excited to get new books to read.  And if I make myself set a timer and sit down with them, we can get a lot accomplished in a little time about 3 days per week.  I could work out a deal with Jacob where he helps with one while I help with another, and that's actually keeping him busy as well.  Although he's always hated having to be a peer tutor....see....being the smart kid isn't always so fun!
Anyway, I think my one that needs more attention will not mind doing some stuff with me, since she will view it as time with me, rather than time working.  And I bet she and I could sneak off and do some sewing together as well!   So....I guess you could say that the teacher in me won on this struggle!  : )
Happy Monday to Everyone!

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