Friday, November 1, 2013

Worst Mom Award!

I forgot to take pictures of my children on actual Halloween night!  What is wrong with me??  I cannot believe it really!  Jacob got home late from school, due to drama practice.  So we were running out the door, got about a mile or two away from our house and I realized I didn't have my phone OR my camera!  Isaac had his phone and we did talk about him taking a picture or two, but then we both forgot!  I did get a few pics of them during Trunk or Treat and Isaac got some of Mikayla at school, since he went to her school Halloween parade and class party. was a first and NOT one I am happy about.  :(


  1. Don't beat yourself up about it! I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten to take pictures of could always make them dress up again so you can take photos...or make them draw a picture of what they look like in their costume. :)

  2. You are a FABULOUS mom!!! And the pictures from trunk or treat and school were great (and enough for this year :) Love you!!
