Sunday, October 6, 2013


Yesterday, Isaac, Mikayla, and I found ourselves at home.  Erica was at a DC Children's Choir retreat and Jacob was helping with one of his buddies' Eagle Scout project.  So after Mikayla's soccer game, we were all 3 here at home with no particular plans.  We decided to go on a bike ride.  We went down to the Needwood Park trail a short distance from our house.  Mikayla used Erica's bike since that one has gears.  We had a good time.  We rode for close to 9 miles.  That's pretty good, I think.  Mikayla was trooper and worked the gears pretty well with it being her first time to use them.
Today I woke up with a "great idea"!  With it being General Conference weekend, church was not going to start until later than usual (east coast living).  I thought it would be nice for Isaac and I to go on a bike ride again.  We went back to Needwood Park, this time with camelpaks on and runkeeper keeping our distance.  We rode for 13.6 miles today.  It was quite difficult actually.  I was thinking it would be pretty easy since i didn't feel too sore from the ride yesterday.  So we pressed start on our program and then i hopped up on the bike and as soon as my butt hit the seat.....OH....MY.....GOODNESS!!!  I mean, OOUUUCCCHHHH!!!  LOL
Today, Isaac let me lead the way.  It was awesome.  We rode 7 miles down the trail, turned around, and rode 7 miles back.  We aren't sure why our program didn't say 14 miles total, but it's fine.  Success.  I only wanted to quit once, but when you're out in the center of a trail, you have to keep going to get back to your car!  
All in all, a great weekend, and a couple sore bottoms! : )

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Danielle! I'm not sure I've ever ridden 14 miles on a bike! My boodie and bicycle seats don't agree much. lol Hope you guys are having nice weather in DC.
