Saturday, April 4, 2009

Running Smoothly.....

If only everything ran smoothly, life would be easy! However, when things don't run as smoothly as I would like, it is a helpful reminder of how much I miss Isaac, how much I need Isaac, how much I love it when Isaac is here with me!!
I've really tried not to complain too much....but enough is enough!
If only the garbage disposal still worked...
if only the light in the stairs could be reached to change...
if only the sprinkler system still worked...
if only registration/inspections never expired on cars...
if only brakes on minivans lasted forever...
if only the extra refrigerator still kept things cooled/frozen...
if only children never vomited in their beds...
if only i wasn't out of the house 12+ hours five days a week, then perhaps all the minor things listed above wouldn't seem like MAJOR things in my life!!!

HURRY HURRY HURRY Sweetie....come back to me!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It was so much fun to see you this past weekend! I wish that Eddie or I could have helped fix some of the small things like your sprinkler system or your garbage disposal while we were there but alas...neither of us has any experience in those areas. IF ONLY there was someone who lived close by you who could ease your situation a little by fixing those minor things that need fixing!
