Thursday, September 9, 2010

Middle School Band

Who knew Jacob joining band would be a thorn in my side and 2 weeks of school hasn't even passed yet?! So i have ordered all the supplies, but being new to the area, i ordered online to get the "Best Deals", and now the band instructor told the kids that they couldn't be in band if they didn't have everything by Friday!! Well, that is not a guarantee for us due to the mailing system!! And after spending over $110, I am upset. I have lost sleep. Tonight, or this morning at 3:45 I sent the band director and principal of the school an email asking that i be reimbursed if my son is kicked out of band!! I don't want Jacob to "be the exception" but honestly we had to wait for my Unemployment $$ to come in so that I could order all the crap he needed!!!! Gggrrrrrr.....
The first time my son is interested in anything musical and this band director may ruin it for him!! I'm just a little upset!!
Otherwise, I love the school he attends...LOL!!
I really should be sleeping!!! I think Isaac's alarm will go off in an hour or so!! Oops!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I posted a comment yesterday but for some reason, it didn't show up. Anyway, I hope all of this works out. I'm glad Jacob is showing some interest in something musical although I must say that I'm surprised it was the tuba! I hope things are going well. Also, I can help you redesign your blog (at least the little I know). What kind of a header do you want? Do you want a picture collage of you all that says the Lone Star Spice Rack? Think about it and let me know!
