Friday, September 10, 2010

Movie Theater Alone

So, right now I am without a job and now am without children during the day....since they are all in school now! So, I have visited the movie theater by myself twice now. It's quite nice actually. I don't have to worry about seeing "chick flicks" and wondering if Isaac is suffering too much!!
What's really neat is that I still laugh out loud at the funny my laugh is not "just for show"! I love to laugh! Enjoy a movie alone and don't worry about chomping on the popcorn....cuz you're by yourself!!! Try it, you might like it!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to a movie theater alone - someday I am going to have to try that! I've heard it's nice and I'm sure I'll still laugh and cry like I do at movies when I watch them at home by myself!
